A cooperation of 08 African, 22 Asian and 14 German NGOs working in the field of development cooperation. It is a unique concept as it intends to identify and develop, jointly with all partners some genuine concepts and tools for NGOs in the areas of Outcome and Impact Assessment and Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E).

NGO-IDEAs is not just another study evaluating the impact of NGOs‘ work – it combines research & development, knowledge management, learning & training and advice & coaching to trigger a collective learning process for all partners involved. Additionally, NGO-IDEAs intends to create a valuable resource base for use by NGOs.

To know more about the aims and objectives of NGO-IDEAs, click here.


Why look at the difference we make?

In recent years, international discussion about the effectiveness of development assistance has motivated many funding organisations to look more closely at the effects (outcomes and impacts) of their development action. Specifically, NGOs feel challenged to reach optimal results with their funds. The public who funds this work with donations increasingly expects the projects to have relevant effects on the lives of the people living in poverty or distress.

 But specifically the NGOs know that their development action cannot be successful unless it is an ignition spark to the primary stakeholders’ self-help activities. All these persons who strive to improve their living conditions need to know which action is bearing fruits, and what other consequences it brings about.

All the NGO-IDEAs publications are written with the conviction that awareness about the effects of the primary stakeholders’ own action is empowering! The publications shall support the primary stakeholders, CBO representatives and NGO staff to observe outcomes and impacts of their work, to analyse them and to draw conclusions on how to continue their development actions.

Download "Concepts and Values", please click here.